We broadcast our workouts in real time from our special studio! This means that all emotions and drive are real — the trainer is working out at the same time as you.
What if I miss the live workout?
What if I miss the live workout?
It's not a problem. All workouts are recorded and stored in the Workout Archive
Do you have a trial period?
What if I miss the live workout?
Do you have a trial period?
Of course! To activate it, it is enough to link the card during registration. We will write off 1 ruble and immediately return it. If you don't like our service, you can delete your card afterwards.
What equipment is needed?
Во время тренировок мы используем: утяжелители для ног, утяжелители для рук, небольшие подушки, блоки для растяжки, стул, слайдеры, гантели, фитнес-резинки и фитнес-мяч.
What can I do if i don't have the equipment for a workout?
В этом нет ничего страшного. Вы можете использовать подручные средства. Гантели заменить на груши. Блоки для растяжки можно заменить на толстые книги. Слайдер на полотенце, или вещь которая будет хорошо скользить по полу. Фитнес-резинки на полотенце. Мяч на объемную подушку.
How can I cancel the subscription?
Управление подпиской находится в вашем личном кабинете. Просто удалите вашу карту и больше мы не будем списывать.
Sign up for a trial session
After filling out the form, we will give you additional information, answer your questions and sign you up at a convenient time.
As soon as the spot is available, we will send an SMS and an email with a link to the booking. Remember — make no delay, others in the waiting list will also receive an alert.